SDG 2 – Zero Hunger – Netherthird Community Garden

Netherthird Community Garden is an inspirational local initiative, offering an array of service to the local community. This 2.4-acre site lay as an empty field not so many years ago until the Netherthird Community Garden volunteers developed it into a beautiful garden with a sandpit, play area, outdoor classrooms, a nature walk, a café building and much more. The outdoor classrooms provide a venue for children attending nearby Netherthird Primary School to do Learning for Sustainability, such as gardening, and nature learning. The garden also has vegetable beds and a large polytunnel where volunteers grow a range of vegetables and herbs to supply to the Netherthird Community Larder. Produce grown is given to locals free of charge, as well as being used in hearty meals made for the local community to take home, going a great distance in helping to address food poverty and ultimately goal two of the UN’s SDGs – Zero Hunger. 

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