Our Visitor Charter
The Galloway & Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Partnership is committed to sustainable tourism: ensuring that tourism is a force for good and brings only positive impacts to people and nature. We are equally committed to bringing truly special and memorable experiences to visitors from near and far, and doing our best to support adventure, discovery and inspiration for every person who comes here.
We have created a Visitor Charter which embodies the UNESCO Biosphere ethos and gives guidance on how to get the most out of the time you spend exploring Galloway and Southern Ayrshire. If you are only here for a while, we hope it gives a good idea of what local people are most excited to share! If you are running a Biosphere business, are an accommodation or activity host, and/or already signed up to our Proud Supporter scheme, please do download a copy of the Visitor Charter from our Resources section for display in your premises or inclusion in your Welcome Pack for guests. And finally, please do share this link with any individual or organisation that might benefit.
As always, if you have any questions about the Visitor Charter or our work promoting sustainable tourism, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
The GSA Biosphere: yours to explore!
with guides, tours, itineraries and more...