SDG Trail

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call for action by all United Nation Member States to work in global partnership to address the most critical issues of modern times. Here in the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere a wide range of community groups, organisations and enterprise are demonstrating the SDGs in practice every day. We’ve created an SDG Trail which you can follow right across the region to find out more about the most inspiring SDGs that local people are working towards.

Each location has either an SDG Trail post or plaque, with a QR code that you can scan with a mobile phone to find out more information about what’s happening at that site, and the specific global goal with which it connects. Look out for the SDG Trail as you explore the Biosphere, or scroll down to the SDG Trail map below to discover the dynamic, imaginative projects currently underway.

Explore further in a sustainable way: take a look at our Maps, Routes & itineraries

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