Green Fayre returns for 2023!

The Green Fayre is returning to Newton Stewart for 2023, and will again be co-hosted by the Galloway & Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere and the Newton Stewart Initiative. The event takes place at historic McMillan Hall on Saturday 9th September between 10am – 2pm.
The inaugural Green Fayre was held in 2022 and attracted an exciting variety of local projects and groups to showcase their work in conservation, sustainability and climate action. With a theme of enjoyment and getting involved, the aim of Green Fayre is to generate even more local participation in the diverse and innovative environmental projects that are underway in this UNESCO-designated region.
Attendees already confirmed for this year’s event include the Machars & Cree Valley Climate Action Network, the South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project, Propagate, Cree Woodland Volunteers, Solway Firth Partnership, the Ethical Dairy, Home Energy Scotland, Forestry and Land Scotland, and more. Applications for stalls are open now to organisations, businesses and local groups, with further information available from the GSA Biosphere’s Community and Education lead, Jenna Cains, via
Jenna says, “The Green Fayre is the only event of its kind in our region and a fantastic way for people to find out more about projects old and new, and where there’s opportunity to learn, volunteer, or simply have a huge amount of fun. There’ll be something for all ages and even a chance to update your autumn wardrobe at the Clothes Swap – bring something pre-loved to exchange! We have a marvellous indoor space at McMillan Hall with lots of activities still to be confirmed, so please do follow the GSA Biosphere and the Newton Stewart Initiative on Facebook for updates, or drop us an email at any time to find out more.”