Building Opportunity in the Biosphere

Building Opportunity in the Biosphere is managed by Southern Uplands Partnership on behalf of the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Partnership and was part financed by the Scottish Government and the European Community through Ayrshire and Dumfries and Galloway LEADER 2007-2013 Programmes; Dumfries and Galloway Council; East Ayrshire Council; South Ayrshire Council; Scottish Natural Heritage; Forestry Commission Scotland; Scottish Environmental Protection Agency; Southern Uplands Partnership and Ayrshire Joint Planning Unit.
It was a two year program designed to raise understanding of the opportunities that the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve status will bring to this part of SW Scotland. Two project officers were employed who engaged with local communities, businesses, agencies and organisations to develop initiatives that further understanding and involvement with the Biosphere. The final report is available here: