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27th July 2016

Biosphere black grouse conservation


Black grouse are one of our iconic species in the Biosphere but declined by 49% between 1996 and 2005 in South west Scotland. A new regional strategic conservation plan has just been developed to provide guidance on reversing their decline in southern Scotland. The plan sets out priority actions including:

 Increasing breeding productivity and over-winter survival in areas including the Galloway Forest Park and Cairnsmore of Fleet;

 Habitat enhancements on the moor fringe using agri-environment/woodland scheme applications and appropriate forest management;

 Increasing connectivity between black grouse areas and

 Targeted predator management.

The full plan is available here

If you would like to know more about managing your land for black grouse you can also download the Black grouse section of the Biosphere Natural Heritage Management Plan here.

The Biosphere Natural Heritage Officers would be keen to help you get the advice you need so you can contact them on or

Image used under license from shutterstock

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